People who don’t have children I find selfish. Anyone who posts to the world how great their life is, is trying to prove to themselves they are happy and their life is great. Why do they care what strangers think? Because they are trying to convince themselves they are whole.

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I agree on the cycles of trauma. We are both 31 and have 4 kids. having kids will take every crack in you, your spouse, and your relationship, seen or unseen, and start widening each unless carefully and lovingly addressed.

and then you have to grow up quickly and learn alot about patience, love, communication required to function together and as parents. then there is the mentoring and guidance day by day. checking in, walking alongside them, drawing out their heart, mentoring. Thanks for being a mentor to me your thoughtful and difficult questions on X are good to read and reflect on.

it's hard to say when is a good time, you are right. I'm not sure anyone is really ready though. it's life changing. you stop being the growing tree, and now must put all your life force into bearing anf nourishing fruit.

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Lots of goofy, white, tree hugger, libtards out there not having kids. Good, this is eugenic. But the problem is, the dredges of society... low IQ blacks & browns -- they ARE having kids, and lots of them, thanks to redistribution from us. I think the whole Stop Having Kids movement is ridiculous bc it generally targets the white libtards. But I am for voluntary sterilization in exchange for payment -- basically privatized eugenics, like this site does -- https://childfreebc.com/candidates/. For whatever reason, there are overwhelmingly black people there willing to accept payment to get sterilized. You'd think there would be more white libtards, but perhaps they are simply anti-natalists to virtue signal, and them accepting payment would diminish that? Whatever the reason, I donated heavily to that CBC site, sterilized 4 blacks -- 3 males and one female -- myself. (This felt really good btw.) And I donate monthly as well. If all whites did the same, we could eradicate black & brown genes from the earth and save Western Civilization.

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Thank you Cerno. Reading your stuff can hit like a silent contemplation, helps remind me to do a mindet check-in.

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“If you want people to have children, you should ask if you are living an aspirational life. If not, then nobody cares what you think.” #truth

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