Mike I’m about the same age as you but my kids are older (31, 26, 25, 22). You give great advice and I enjoy reading even though my hands-on parenting days are “past”. I love my parents, my kids love my wife and me (or at least they put on a good act), and I like to believe it’s because we put in the time and attention like you say.

Advice for parents of young kids - one day, your child will crawl in your lap and ask you to read a story, and you won’t realize it at the time, but it will be the last time.

Parents of teens - let your children experience adversity. Bad coach? Teacher not fair? Boyfriend/girlfriend dumped you? The world is tough and they must learn these skills while you’re close by to coach and support.

Keep up the great work and thank you

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The less coddling the stronger a person shall become

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Great read Mike. This is the stuff I like to read from you. An interesting topic , that I’m sure many men can relate , to is how they are able to juggle raising the kids while mom is at work. Especially the preschool age where the dad is picking up a kid(s) at say 2pm and yet he’s still on the clock so to speak. Very difficult to balance these afternoons.

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Nobody will call you out like your own daughter (mine just turned 18). While some of what she says is manipulation to get what she wants, she's also made me recognize my flaws on more than one occasion....and made me a better father as a result.

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Reading Cerno gives me super powers. This is a level up. Thank you Mike.

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Awesome as always. Wife and I don’t travel without taking our 3 with us… never understood the “can’t wait to leave my kids home” people… the time you have when they are little is so limited, it zips by…

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