When I saw a video of a jacked and tanned RFK JR (70 years old) lifting at Gold’s in Venice, I thought cool. First I retweeted Ryan so he got video credit. Then I embedded the video with my original commentary.
Boy did the bugs come out!
“He’s only lifting 115 pounds!”
“He’s on TRT!”
“Why is he wearing jeans!”
“I can lift way more than that!”
Bugman is a concept floating around online.
C.S. Lewis had a similar concept known as “hollow man.”
We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
These are high minded ways of describing an instinct we feel when confronted with the modern man. He doesn’t feel human. He looks and acts like someone who would be fine with feed stack strapped to his face and fleshlight on his lower parts. Existing in some venial way. Taking up space. No vibe. No spirit. No energy.
Millions of them were out for that RFK JR video.
A few comments on the RFK JR video.
The replies reminded me how utterly joyless most people are. They can’t be happy for another man. I was called homosexual several times for posting the video.
If you ever encourage or respect another man, you are a “fan boy” or “riding his jock.” Who told you that? Feminists. They want you in the longhouse being scolded.
Read next: What is the longhouse?
The most important feature of the Longhouse, and why it makes such a resonant (and controversial) symbol of our current circumstances, is the ubiquitous rule of the Den Mother. More than anything, the Longhouse refers to the remarkable overcorrection of the last two generations toward social norms centering feminine needs and feminine methods for controlling, directing, and modeling behavior.
It’s also bizarre to compare yourself to a 70 year old man to feel “strong.” If you are strong, do powerlifting meets. You are not counting weight on another man’s bar.
Moreover! Do people know what a “drop set” is?
Watching someone do one working set doesn’t tell you much. Maybe he got off the plane and wanted some fresh air? Maybe he’s injured? Maybe he’s warming up or doing drop sets? Anyone who has lifted knows this stuff. Basic. Bug Boys sitting at home don’t.
Don’t be a bugman.
I love this post Mike - you nailed it! A man of his age lifting outdoors like that and showing great physique is inspiring.
In all gyms I have belonged to, the strongest guys are always encouraging others. The real lifters are not insulting people for the weights they are using or their gym attire. Can you imagine Ed Coan being worried about what clothes someone else is wearing?
As a 62 year old getting into shape I am in awe! I understand the struggle of it all once in your 60's most of the "goobers" (my fav term of yours) have no idea how hard it is.