I still don't fully understand why they (Soros) does this. Is it pure evil or naiveté? And how should we treat them with compassion and love in the Christian spirit if they are evil?

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Scott Adams has a theory: they are owned by the CIA and we are in a Color Revolution. Which speaks to Cerno's gambit that gang lords will take over city streets and that the police and FBI will not even try to stop it.

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Okay, Scott has interesting insights, but why would the they even want a Color Revolution? They are just communists? But then they break the system that gives them wealth? And the high culture of their beloved blue cities.

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Chaos demons

Any other way to explain the murderous possession we see?

It’s not just ‘drugs and crazy’. There’s something more.

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Is the only way, for society to correct, the total collapse of western government (US, UN, NATO, FED)?

How does this end in a way that’s best for anyone?

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This is an excellent essay. I wish it was all hyperbole and a "crazy conspiracy theory" as your critics will no doubt claim, but when you check the past few years against the Bolshevik playbook that's been rolled out prior to just about every communist revolution (including the attempts made in Weimar Germany and Spain that failed only because those countries went with the fascists to escape what the communists were trying to do), you see that your warnings are spot on. Most of us have a hard time admitting to ourselves how dire our situation is, because unless you're a psychopath, it's hard to believe that someone could be as evil as some of these Bolsheviks are. They see the devastation they are causing, and they see where all of this is heading, and they are choosing to double down on their demonic agenda, knowing full well how terrible the consequences will be, and intending every bit of it.

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It's very recently that I've gotten a deep sense of foreboding. Things have been going in this direction for a while, even during Trump's tenure, but it feels like we are recently crossing a point of no return.

Many conservatives seem to think that this is a linear process that can be reversed, maybe if we just win in 2024. Others seem to think that because America has existed for centuries that it is bound to continue to do so. I fear they're missing the plot. What we're dealing with, on so many fronts, is truly demonic.

There's a phrase - "risk happens fast." That's true on an individual level, but it's also true on a societal level. We don't have to have a slow, managed decline which can be reversed. Maybe that's how it goes, but it's not guaranteed. Just ask Maui.

In the past few weeks, I've bought several guns, pursued CCW, and looked into stockpiling MRE's and other supplies. Hopefully it's wasted time and money, but I worry that it's not close to enough preparation.

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I look at all of this as a Western phenomenon thatt really went into high gear in 2016 following Brexit and Trump. The plebs in Anglo-Americana said no more hyper globalization, no more regime change wars...we are sick of that too. This pissed off the globalists and the imperialists. It had to be stopped. This is a fight between globalism and nationalism or populism, or whatever you want to call it. I dont know if the "academic literature" is really written fully on this yet. But the powers that be in the West are at war with the plebs. The useful idiots on motorcycles high on K2 doing smash and grabs are just useful idiots in all of this. Tear it down. You dont want globalism so you have to compete with the $1 a day Asians? Well, then fuck you, we are brining the Third World to your town. You want to elect populist types who oppose us on foreign policy, well fuck you and your populists, we will round them all up and make their lives miserable.

Tell me none of this is happening...

If it is not a coordinated attack, it is an attack of like minds, with lots of moving parts. Human systems are hard to analyze. But clearly we are under attack, and it is not the migrants or the dope fiends or the cartels...it is those that reside in the Imperial Capitols of DC and NY and London. Let's hope the emerging market nations never follow suit, so we have a place to escape to should this go full Hunger Games by 2030.

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Haven't been back to the US for a few years, currently abroad, in a beautiful old neighborhood, once dominated by this country's communist elites.

The people mouth "never again" etc , but that level of craziness is brewing again.

Dark times ahead.

Where wlll it be worst, I wonder?

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Read his obit, "openly queer". What is with these people? Rabid activists, all over media, all have the same Regime Droid brain. I cant imagine being hunted down like this, though I have had my share of death threats, too, as a journo. And got one mouth breather on my phone this summer saying he had my daughter. I never spoke, never said a word. Then the guy hung up. Im armed to the teeth. Someone like Lady Diabla comes to my house at 1am, I dont care if you got a flat tire, youre getting shot at at least once until you leave, and then once in the ass before youre off my property.

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I know people in my personal life with the same regime droid brain

It’s like a cultish possession. It’s their religion.

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In 2020, when BLM was raging in the cities and some local Quaker church put a BLM sign on a main road in my small farm town of 15,000 (a driver proceeded to get out of his car and tear it down), I thought it was time to get my gun license. Three years later and I train with Sig Sauer licensed trainers once a week, and have a Mantis X devise where I train as well, probably three hours a week. I have a P365, an HK .45 and an HK 416 AR-14-style .22...something our "betters" would look at and instantly refer to as an "assault rifle". Yes, get the guns. If you're going to go down...take them down with you.

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Keep coming back to this.. talked a friend whose Step mother worked for a Soros funded hospice in prisons. Really strange

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Thanks Mike. Please consider uploading podcasts on here/ audio recordings of your Twitter videos so we can find them easily and don’t miss them. Love!

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Would be interested in thoughts as to how much the area you live plays a role in this.

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They are evil

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This content is why I came here to sub. Well, also because you blocked me on Twitter for cheering on the first of these (the blm wokie in Baltimore)

Not enough people have the foresight to see where this is going

And I’m not saying this as some crazy nutter - but rather with calm acceptance

And at least I get to enjoy seeing them suffer it first.

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