One principle of success is modelling. Find someone where you want to be, and copy their playbook. That would be terrible advice in my case. Here is some good advice.
I see people complaining about the Twitter algorithm. They are mad at Elon. Or shadowy figures have DEBOOSTED THEM. By the way, I was actually shadow banned by Twitter. How often did you see me cry about it? I always found a way to stand out.
Anyway, I click over and the stuff is boring. There’s no innovative use of the medium. It’s plain text on screen.
Maybe you are copying me? Please, do not. My content sucks.
My wife regularly tells me, “No one would follow your Instagram if you weren’t Mike Cernovich.” Yes, she’s saying I can’t do social media, and she’s right. I tell her that I don’t care (true). I went to some effort to become less famous.

That’s why it’s humorous when people accuse me of being jealous of so-and-so. You’re projecting, buddy, and revealing your own envy. I’ve turned down media offers that people would shove an old lady on the crosswalk aside for.
If you want to stand out, it’s not hard.
Rules of Content Creation in 2023.
I love Twitter and writing. I read books. Twitter is where you influence the smartest and most influential people in the world. It is not where you make money or “go viral” on a huge scale.

You need to be doing YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and Instagram Reels. 80% (or some other made up number) of people do not watch with the sound on. You need gigantic captions. Reels especially will promote your video is you use certain audio in the background.
Short form will make you king. (Which, like Mr. Beast did, you can use to work your way up the chain. Not many people alive wouldn’t take Mr. Beast’s phone call.)
The formula isn’t that hard:
Chopped up videos zoomed into podcast face (you know the aesthetic),
Large captions,
Trending audio.
Those get engagement. SMS style is not the winning play. Content on twitter hasn’t evolved. People need to step up production value instead of blaming Elon.
You need to have a “look.” It’s better if you’re good looking, but distinct works well, too.
This video is not bad. It’s 7 out of 10. The captions should be larger. It should zoom in on my face. The lighting is good, though. You must learn how to stage a light box. People are OBSESSED with how old they think you look. Bad lighting ads 20 years.
Do as I say not as I do.
Some of you will go, “IF YOU KNOW SO MUCH WHY DON’T YOU DO THIS.”
Because I don’t have to.
I was early to Twitter and used it in innovative ways. The kind of people I want to read me are reading me. Occasionally I’ll notice people whose books I read years ago follow me. For me, that’s the win.
I enjoy writing. That’s why I started this Substack. I love long form.
Long form is dying out.
My readers are higher in IQ than other “content consoomers.” They are more influential. We can nudge culture better this way.
But you also don’t see me throwing a tantrum when my analytics are slow.
Of course it is. People want short form videos zoomed in on your face with audio and sound effects.

What I would do if I wanted to be Internet Famous.
First of all, I would not lie to myself.
Guys will read this and say, “I don’t want to be famous, I want to make a difference!” If that’s true, then work your normal job (which will pay better than content mining in the salt fields) and donate regularly to other creators. Which is what 99.999% of people do. Almost no one wants to be a brand. Good for them. They aren’t head cases like us.
If you are making excuses as to why you shouldn’t donate to others but REALLY SINCERELY JUST WANT TO GET YOUR MESSAGE OUT, then congratulations, you want to be known. Stop being a liar. It’s annoying.
Learn how to do video editing or hire someone to do it. You’d think this would be obvious. Yet people flail around helplessly. Learn the skill.
Start producing videos.
Don’t release them yet.
Build up a portfolio of videos. Try to get 20-30 finished. Then do a launch, releasing them at regular intervals (every day or two). That will increase your odds of getting into the algorithm.
That formula will 100% work.
Mr. Cernovich, I love your writing. I found you randomly despite having a banned Twitter account, and I have learned a lot. One of the reasons I identify with your writings is that you dont try for a mass audience, and frequently introduce niche or esoteric topics I've never thought about. I find myself doing that often with interesting subjects, for instsnce I'm reading this book on German war aims in WWI and realizing how important that Zimmerman guy was, but I dont have anyone in my social circle that cares about that topic and wants to discuss it. I dont want engagement or anything--Im not trying to make money as a writer--but I would love someone who finds the same subject interesting to reply with their own take. How do you do that with Substack or blogging in general?
Not content creation for clout or profit, but because you sincerely want to hear takes on your esoteric interests from people who also are interested. And without having to join a random society that specializes in the study of a particular topic or period.
I tried to do TikToks, and if I worked at it and put effort into it, and built out a TikTok strategy, I know I could get good at it and grow my TikTok account to be big
The problem is that I don't care about TikTok... it feels like annoying *work*. Meanwhile Substack and Twitter feel like a pleasure rather than a chore.
I guess i should buckle down and put like an hour of work into TikTok every day. But I am just not passionate about it. So I never really put in the time to get it off the ground.