DeSantis Misses his Moment
DeSantis could have presented himself as the opposition to Soros-funded District Attorneys and their neo-Bolshevik tactics.
According to the Federal Election Committee, Hillary Clinton lied about the use of campaign funds by misreporting her funding of the infamous Steele dossier as legal expenses:
“By intentionally obscuring their payments through Perkins Coie and failing to publicly disclose the true purpose of those payments,” the campaign and DNC “were able to avoid publicly reporting on their statutorily required FEC disclosure forms the fact that they were paying Fusion GPS to perform opposition research on Trump with the intent of influencing the outcome of the 2016 presidential election,” the initial complaint had read.
Clinton is not under criminal investigation for these lies. Trump may be turning himself in soon for the same offense.

What should DeSantis have done?
Trump has smeared DeSantis. MAGA influencers repeatedly lie about DeSantis. There’s even a meme circulating, which suggests that a college graduate cannot stop by a party of college-aged women. Nasty stuff.
Which is why DeSantis blew his moment. He issued a statement that led strong, and then ended in possible political suicide.

We are not involved in this, won't be involved in this. I have no interest in getting involved in some type of manufactured circus by some Soros DA. He's trying to do a political spectacle. He's trying to virtue signal for his base. Uh, I've got real issues I gotta deal with here in the state of Florida. We're obviously shutting down, uh, C B D C, which is important. We've got so many things pending in front of the legislature. I've gotta spend my time on issues that actually matter to people. I can't spend my time, worrying about things of that nature. So, we're not gonna be involved in it in any way. I'm fighting for Floridians and I'm fighting back against Biden. That's what I do every single day.”
If you were sleeping during the 2015 GOP primary, you’d say this was a mighty fine statement of policy. It’s taking the high road.

Except it’s not. It looks weak.
The Bolsheviks have returned.
Joseph Stalin’s show trials were common during his political repressions, such as the Moscow Trials of the Great Purge period (1937–38). The Soviet authorities staged the actual trials meticulously.
The trials were held against Stalin’s political enemies, such as the Trotskyists and those involved with the Right Opposition of the Communist Party. The trials were shams that led to the execution of most defendants. Every surviving member of the Lenin-era part was tried, and almost every important Bolshevik from the Revolution was executed. Over 1,100 delegates to the party congress in 1934 were arrested. The killings were part of Stalin’s Great Purge, in which opportunists and Bolshevik cadres from the time of the Russian Revolution who could rally opposition to Joseph Stalin were killed. He did so at a time of growing discontent in the 1930s for his mismanagement of the Soviet economy, leading to mass famines during periods of rapid and poorly executed industrialization and farm collectivization.
Over 1,000 Americans are being prosecuted for engaging in peaceful protest by walking into the Capitol. Over 1,000 more face imminent arrest.

Some violent thugs are facing prosecution, as they should be. But the vast majority of people having their lives upended did what AOC ordered her mentions to do. Occupy the Capitol.

The Department of Justice plans to indict another 1,000+ innocent people, using the tactics of Josef Stalin and the show trial era.
DC judges are fully on board, and they’ve prohibited defendants from asking why it is that Kanvaugh can be stalked at his home, rioters can try breaking into the Supreme Court, courthouses can be burned down, and the White House can be attacked … but random people who walked into the Capitol on January 6th are special cases?

Did someone say an official proceeding was disrupted on January 6th? Yes, that happened during the Kavanaugh hearings as well. And unlike J6, the vote was delayed.
0 criminal charges were brought for this.

Election lies are bad. Great. Why didn’t DOJ take action against the perjurers who lied during the Kavanaugh hearings?
The lie that January 6 was an unprecedented attack on the peaceful transfer of power ignores the 2017 riots. This organized attack on DC was called DisruptJ20.

The name of the riot was the admission of a crime.
How were those rioters treated by the Depart of Justice and FBI?
Charges Dropped Against Remaining J20 Inauguration Day Protesters

Even those few rioters who were charged during the Trump administration are receiving sweetheart deals.

A summer rioter who murdered a man via arson was given only ten years in prison. The prosecutor in this case wrote what can only be understood as a defense memo from a criminal defense lawyer.

DeSantis could have presented himself as the opposition to Soros-funded District Attorneys and their neo-Bolshevik tactics.
This is the statement DeSantis should have made.
Or he could have cut off the final paragraph of the statement he issued today.

Trump is going to surrender, so DeSantis wins on the optics. It costs him nothing.
It would have positioned DeSantis as above Trump, in every way. “Hey, look, I’m here to ensure a Floridian’s due process rights are protected.”
The media would have freaked out, calling DeSantis lawless.
This is the war you want if you’re Ron DeSantis, the only Governor who fired a Soros District Attorney.
It’s the war you win.
That would put DeSantis as the one and only GOP primary contenter willing to confront the Stalinists.
Vivek Ramaswamy, who has a much lower media profile for now, is leading that conversation.

DeSantis’ statement today was brutal self-inflicted wound, and one not easily recovered from.
You are correct that DeSantis missed his moment. He is my Governor and I voted for him twice. I’ve been very disappointed in him lately. He was all tough as nails until he got re-elected. Now he seems to have lost his backbone. He has missed several opportunities. Recently legislation was passed for insurance in Florida that benefitted the insurance companies. Our rates went up over 125%. He’s done nothing to help the J6 people from FL. He’s not the leader I thought he was. Plus we voted for him to be Governor for another 4 years not for president. I feel betrayed on that issue along with a lot of other Floridians.
Domestic Policy is downstream from Foreign Policy...So I’m a Foreign Policy voter.
DeSantis is done, even playing footsy with NeoCons is an immediate “I will do nothing to help you get elected” default mode from me.
Same as when Trump hired Bolton 🙄.
I used to challenge people to “Name 3 policy differences between JEB! And Hillary?”
Now, I will ask people to “name 3 foreign policy differences between everyone not named Trump in the GOP primary”.
Cue the Jeopardy music.
DeSantis reeks of “Please Clap” vibes...
And if the Bushes don’t HATE your foreign’re wrong.
**All on the 20th anniversary of invasion of Iraq. DeSantis may have worse advisors than Trump (is that possible?🥴)