This article will seem totally insane to many people. I don’t care. The gift of being attacked and smeared falsely is that people already assume I’m crazy or fringe or “out there.” In my case, I don’t need the courage to be disliked. I already am! It’s the gift to be disliked that allowed me to openly share discussions and insights that normal people have, but aren’t allowed to talk about, for fear of personal or professional repercussions.
Today we are going to recommend some books dealing with the question: Is Ayahuasca demonic?
I block people on Twitter when they say, “Ayahuasca means you’re talking to demons!” Not necessarily because I don’t agree (more later), and more so because I often mention the controversy around the spirit world and who you’re convening with. These are interesting subjects, and glib people who have never done any research aren’t welcome to rush in with some talking point they got somewhere.
Birthright by Timothy Alberino. Whew. What a ride. I’m not sure how to describe this one other than to say it’s a Christian perspective that seeks to reconcile the questions of aliens and demons. Well-researched with a strong point of view, Birthright is a must-have if you’re interested in theology, demonology, or are Graham Hancock curious. If Joe Rogan didn’t have an anti-Christian bias, you’d know a lot more about Alberino, who understands these issues far better than almost anyone.

The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby.
I read this book after my journeys with ayahuasca, and what he wrote in the book lined up with my experience. The Cosmic Serpent asks what DNA is and what relationship there is to DNA and the snake or dragon (which are understood as the same in Amazonian shamanic culture).

When ayahuasca hits your system, you feel it moving through your body like a serpent. During on encounter, the ayahuasca told me, “I’m altering your DNA.” This was bizarre. I hadn’t read the cosmic serpent nor any other books on ayahuasca. I went into the experience “blind” to it.
The Bible said the Snake is evil, as it gave Adam and Eve access to forbidden knowledge. The Cosmic Serpent recognizes that ancient people learned from The Snake. The debate is thus if the Biblical characterization of the Snake is accurate.
One reason I found myself appreciating Orthodox Christian scholarship is because they seek to discuss the spirit world in a deep and accurate way. You can flip through Orthodox Christian texts and secular works like The Cosmic Serpent and see overlapping descriptions of the spirit world.
The Serpent is real. Whether The Serpent is good or evil or beyond good and evil is another debate totally.
The Soul After Death by Fr Seraphim Rose.
If you are new age woo woo, read this. If you’re Christian, read this. If you’re interested in the spirit world, read this.
I can’t recommend The Soul After Death strongly enough.
Rather than dismiss what you see in the spirit world, Fr Rose views every entity you encounter, including the seemingly helpful guides, as demonic.

What is really going on behind the veil?
While this isn’t a book the Lord of Spirits podcast may as well be. If you’re interested in understanding the connection between the world we don’t see and the one we do, you’ll quickly become a regular listener to Lord of Spirits.

Visionary: The Mysterious Origins of Human Consciousness by Graham Hancock.
I read Hancock’s other books after my own travels on ayahuasca. In one of his books, he mentioned subject matter that I was also shown by the medicine. (Or as Seraphim Rose would argue, the demons.)
I often wondered to myself, “When will Graham Hancock give up the goods?” By that I mean, go really deeply in what you see in the spirit world, and connect it to this one.
Hancock does all of that and more in Visionary.
His observations mirror mine and others who have “been there.” That raises the question: Why do we all see the same stuff?

It’s my dream to see Orthodox Christian scholars from the Lord of Spirits discuss these issues with Hancock, because on background they agree. The spirit world is real. We have been given messages from that realm. Our DNA may even contain hidden information from an ancient or extraterrestrial society.
The question is whether the Christians are right about the “entities” being demonic.
I pray this conversation happens.
Invariably people are going to make questions into my own beliefs or faith. That’s not the point of this article.
Do the reading, that’s the beauty of life. You get to choose for yourself. If you believe I should convert to your religion, then you can say your prayers in private rather than demand public proclamations fro me.
I’ve been a huge Graham Hancock fan for years and have most of his books. In my opinion, Hancock had done more than anyone in challenging the false academic narrative of our past. I have always found it puzzling that he does not go near the bible, especially the books of Enoch and The Giants which tell the story of the antediluvian world. Timothy Alberino’s book Birthright does an amazing job of tying everything together from the mysterious megalithic ruins, to UFOs and alien abduction, to the bible. It’s hard to describe the book as it’s so out there, but I highly recommend it!
Half of me is in love with all the book reccomendations. The other half is like, man I have too many books I am tryin to read.
Also, Lord of Spirits podcast is top notch.